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product The After Party 15 Dream Catcher Shawl in Scheepjes Whirl1,95// the party...The Scheepjes After PartyKnitting Patterns & BooksPatterns and BooksPopularProductstesty Code Eligible Productsz Code Eligible Products
Dream Catcher Shawl (Shade: 757)
1 x 225g skein
Crocheted on a 5mm hook.
ScheepjesBrand_ScheepjesCollection Patterns and BooksFor_WomenPatterns PaperPopular Garments_Shawl and WrapsProduct Type_PatternsscheepjiesschweppessheepiessheepjiesTechnique_KnitWool Weight_4 Plyadd-to-cart2019-07-0128612649189453Default Title1,95// Title