Garden Room Table Cloth in Scheepjes Sweet Treat
In 24 colours of Scheepjes Sweet Treat that are randomly used
Bright colourway:
One ball each of 115, 128, 146, 208, 215, 246, 253, 280, 281, 282, 385, 389, 392, 397, 398, 411, 510, 513, 514, 521, 606, 618, 722, 786
Alternative pastel colourway:
One ball each of 074, 101, 130, 154, 173, 179, 212, 222, 226, 238, 240, 249, 255, 256, 386, 395, 405, 403, 408, 409, 509, 519, 523, 776
Crocheted on a 2.25mm hook.