Features a stylishly designed cover with an open spine, allowing the book to lay flat when open. Handy when making one of the beautiful patterns found within its pages!
“But nature in her wisdom has gone one step further; when we zoom in and look closely at the finest of details, a whole new world of wonder opens up before our eyes with Macro Botanica.” – Simy Somer, Scheepjes Creative Director"
Scheepjes yarns used in this issue:
Alpaca Rhythm, Bamboo Soft, Cahlista, Catona, Chunky Monkey, Cotton 8, Colour Crafter, Maxi Sweet Treat, Merino Soft, Metropolis, MIGHTY, Organicon, Our Tribe, Panda, Stone Washed, River Washed, Sunkissed, Whirl, Whirligig, Whirligiget
View the fascinating world of botany through a macro lens and let yourself be seduced by the beauty and ingenuity of Mother Nature. In YARN Bookazine 11, Scheepjes zooms in on the powerful properties of plants and the amazing things they do to survive and bring their beauty into the world, such as attracting pollinators, reproducing, defending themselves from harm and growing strong so this magical cycle of life continues. The unique knit and crochet designs featured for the spring and summer season pay homage to these fascinating feats, seen reflected throughout the chapters Attract, Reproduce, Defend and Grow.
The botanical world is a great source of inspiration for many, and this issue of YARN bookazine also immerses itself in the theme down to the finest details, including inspiring interviews with creative people such as paper artist and photographer Ann Wood, designer and photographer Chantal Keizer and artist Linda Nieuwstad. Together with the in-depth articles on the World Seed Vault in Spitsbergen and the Fibonacci Sequence, this issue highlights the many possibilities for botany to spark inspiration and creativity. Each and every one of the projects presented are every day works of art, suitable for beginners and more advanced crafters, and together they form a truly vibrant collection of patterns. The designs are varied in colour and yarns used, for both the home and wardrobe, for all ages. Let your inspiration blossom and get started with Simy’s Photography Challenge or one of the 16 wonderful patterns available in this issue.
#YARNMacroBotanica #YARNBookazine #YARN11